The Mosuo Minority at Lugu Lake, Yunnan Province, China

Yunnan Province in Southern China is the home for 26 minority races. The most interesting minority race is the Mosuo Minority in Lugu Lake. I have never been to Lugu Lake but I got to Lijiang which is not far away from the place where Mosuo people orginated.

The people of Mosuo practice zouhun (èµ°å©š) – walking marriage (a commitment made between two individuals without legal restraints) – that makes this community noticeable as a lakeside love haven. Men and women never get married. Children only know who is their mother and do not normally who their father are. Children will stay with their mother and in such way, their family and get pretty big. Women are the boss in this Mosuo Minority where all decision are made by women. When a man and woman fall in love, the man visits the woman in the night and then returns to his mother’s home in the morning. They never formalize the arrangement to create a new family group, although some couples remain committed to each other throughout their entire lives and often have many children together. It is also normal for a man to have several lovers.

I had a chance to meet a Mosuo gentlement at Lijiang and spoke to him at length and happy to learn a lot about the Mosuo people.

One of the book that I have purchased and read is as shown below:

Mosuo People

The Southern part of China is so rich is culture and I do hope to visit Tibet in the not too distant future.

Echoes of History: Naxi Music in Modern China Governing China's Multiethnic Frontiers (Studies on Ethnic Groups in China) Lost Horizon

Google Launched Free Web Analytics Services

Google launched Google Analytics, a free analysis service for Webmasters and web marketers. Base on Urchin which Google acquired and make the service free.

Website owners will be able to see exactly where visitors come from, which links on the site are getting the most traffic, which pages visitors are viewing, how long people stay on the site, which products on merchant sites are being sold and where people give up in multi-step checkout processes.

Google Analytics can be signed up for free at

The launched of Google Analytics will surely hurt many paid web traffic analysis services and free service alike. With each passing day, we continue to see more and more web services being offered for free and I believe many other services such as web hosting will be offered for free in a big way in the future.

BMW Sauber F1 Team

The old Sauber Petronas F1 Team will be called BMW Sauber F1 Team in 2006 after BMW acquired the Sauber Team. The Petronas name will therefore be dropped from the name and at this point of time there is no report as whether Petronas will still be involve in the Sauber team in 2006.

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